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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Wide-field optical imaging on ELAIS N1, ELAIS N2, First Look Survey and Lockman Hole: observations and source catalogues
    We present u-, g-, r-, i- and z-band optical images and associated catalogues taken primarily with the Isaac Newton Telescope Wide Field Camera on the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) N1 and N2, First Look Survey and Lockman Hole fields comprising a total of 1000 h of integration time over 80 deg2 and approximately 4.3 million objects. In
    González-Solares, E. A. et al.

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  • Workshop summary
    In this summary, a brief review is given of the main results presented during the workshop on astronomical site evaluation of San Pedro Mártir in Northern Baja California, Mexico, leading to to a summary of the most significant results related to San Pedro Mártir as a site for housing optical and infrared telescopes.
    Avila, R. et al.

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  • WSO and the winds of massive stars: the gate to the metal-poor Local Universe
    The spectrographs on-board the World Space Observatory (WSO) will provide access to the 1020-1800 Å wavelength range with unprecedented sensitivity. Previous observatories operating in the 1150-2000 Å range (such as IUE and HST-STIS) have proved extremely useful to study the winds of OB type stars, which leave their most prominent imprints in the
    Garcia, M. et al.

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  • X-ray Binary Jets: New Constraints From Multi-wavelength Spectroscopy And Rapid Timing
    Optical instruments for measurement of precise rapid timing have recently given us the capability of going beyond X-ray variability. Observations of several sources have revealed multi-wavelength variations on a wide range of continuous timescales from ms up, and intriguing flux correlations with X-ray fluctuations have been found. These give
    Gandhi, Poshak et al.

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  • X-ray re-brightening detected from the neutron star transient XTE J1701-407
    Following our recent report on the transition to quiescence of the transient neutron star low-mass X-ray binary XTE J1701-407 (ATel #3604), we continued to monitor the source in X-rays. Further observations were carried out between August 31 and September 20, during which Swift pointed towards the source once every 2-4 days with the XRT operated in
    Degenaar, N. et al.

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