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  • The GALAH survey: tracing the Milky Way's formation and evolution through RR Lyrae stars
    Stellar mergers and accretion events have been crucial in shaping the evolution of the Milky Way (MW). These events have been dynamically identified and chemically characterized using red giants and main-sequence stars. RR Lyrae (RRL) variables can play a crucial role in tracing the early formation of the MW since they are ubiquitous, old (t ≥ 10
    D'Orazi, Valentina et al.

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  • The influence of thermal pressure gradients and ionization (im)balance on the ambipolar diffusion and charge-neutral drifts
    Solar partially ionized plasma is frequently modelled using single-fluid (1F) or two-fluid (2F) approaches. In the 1F case, charge-neutral interactions are often described through ambipolar diffusion, while the 2F model fully considers charge-neutral drifts. Here, we expand the definition of the ambipolar diffusion coefficient to include inelastic
    Gómez Míguez, M. M. et al.

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  • Application of Bayesian Inference to disentangle CMB foregrounds
    Both Galactic dust emission and Cosmic infrared background anisotropies (CIB) act as a dominant foreground contaminant for the measurements of the CMB anisotropies (intensity and polarization) at the frequency range above 217 GHz. The Galactic dust and CIB share a similar form of spectral energy distribution, which makes it harder to disentangle
    Adak, Debabrata et al.

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  • Identification of Superclusters and their Properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    Superclusters are the largest massive structures in the cosmic web on tens to hundreds of megaparsecs (Mpc) scales. They are the largest assembly of galaxy clusters in the Universe. Apart from a few detailed studies of such structures, their evolutionary mechanism is still an open question. In order to address and answer the relevant questions, a
    Sankhyayan, Shishir et al.

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  • RAD@home Citizen Scientists Uncover Emerging Jet-Galaxy Interactions
    The RAD12 object's recent investigation (Hota et al. 2022), via the RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, has provided a streamlined and focused perspective on the complex subject of jet-galaxy interactions, which has always posed a significant challenge for observational confirmation. This emerging field holds increasing significance, providing a
    Hota, Ananda et al.

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  • Triple-Double Radio Galaxies: Clues for understanding recurrent AGN activity
    Using LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS), we discovered three cycles of episodic jet activity (J1225+4011, Chavan et al. 2023, MNRAS) in a giant radio galaxy, which is an extremely rare class of restarted Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), making it only fourth of its kind. It is also called 'Triple-Double Radio Galaxy' (TDRG). J1225+4011 extends up to
    Chavan, Kshitij et al.

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