Code of ethics and anti-fraud policy

Code of ethics

This code represents a step further in the IAC’s commitment to the ethical conduct and integrity that must govern the management and day-to-day running of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Consortium and all who form part of it.

It takes into account the main guidelines and principles of transparency, social responsibility, and good governance in establishing a working framework to guide the daily tasks of IAC personnel in their interaction with collaborators, users of installations and services, clients, suppliers, other administrations, and society in general.

Anti-fraud Policy

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is committed to compliance with legal, ethical and moral standards and the strictest principles of integrity, objectivity and honesty. These principles prevail in all the policies, processes and procedures in force at the institute and are reflected in its anti-fraud policy..

With this policy, the IAC aims to promote a culture within the organisation that prevents any fraudulent activity, facilitates its detection and prevents its from happening. To this end, it developes internal procedures that integrate these principles.

Accordingly, the IAC gives high priority to optimising its mechanisms for the prevention, detection and correction of fraud, corruption and conflict of interest. The IAC's Anti-Fraud Plan, which can be found below, details the management principles applied to the implementation of funds within the IAC, including preventive measures for conflicts of interest that may arise in such implementation.

Ethics and anti-fraud channel

The electronic mail address codigoetico [at] (codigoetico[at]iac[dot]es) shall be the communication channel allowing any interest group at the IAC (employees, clients, suppliers, and representatives of society in general) to raise concerns or make suggestions over instances of possible misconduct or any breach of the regulations set out in the IAC Ethic Code and Anti-Fraud Policy and Plan, to members of the Code of Ethics and Anti-Fraud Commission.

Likewise, any person wishing to report a fact, circumstance or any type of questionable behaviour that could be considered as a breach of the rules (irregularity) or a deliberate act of fraud, may do so through the mailbox set up by the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, which is available here.