We have discovered small whirlpools in the Sun, with a size similar to the terrestrial hurricanes (<0.5 Mm). The theory of solar convection predicts them, but...
Instability and eruption of magnetic flux tubes in the solar convection zone
We present a consistent model of storage, instability and dynamical eruption of magnetic flux tubes in the solar convection zone and underlying overshoot region...
Phase difference between irradiance and velocity in low degree solar p-modes
Phase differences between irradiance and full-disk velocity variations are derived for l = 0, 1, and 2 modes with order ranging from 11 up to 30 (1.8-4.3 mHz)...
Quantum statistical corrections on the enhancement factor in solar fusion reactions
The enhancement factor to the thermonuclear reaction rate in the center of the Sun is calculated using the Feynman-Kac path integral of the grand-canonical...
Quiet Sun magnetism and Alfven waves as observed with Hinode
The magnetic landscape of the polar region (Tsuneta et al, 2008) is characterized by vertical kilogauss patches with super-equipartition field strength, a...
Evidence for the rapid internal rotation of the sun obtained from Doppler shift measurements of the Fraunhofer absorption lines is reported. An improved version...
Secular variations in the spectrum of solar p-modes
The solar p-mode spectrum of very low l is measured with high accuracy for a long enough period of time so as to allow the search for solar cycle variations. In...
The magnetic field observed in the photosphere and at higher levels of the solar atmosphere is generated in the convective envelope that extends along the first...
Solar oscillations as seen in the NaI and KI absorption lines
Data on the solar p modes observed simultaneously in the solar NaI and KI absorption lines were obtained in 1985 by operating two independent resonant...