Ethics channel

Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons reporting regulatory violations and the fight against corruption, pursues two objectives:

  • Adequately protect individuals who report a violation.
  • Promote a culture of information or communication as a mechanism to prevent and detect threats to the public interest.

Likewise, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is committed to complying with legal, ethical, and moral standards, as well as the strictest principles of integrity, objectivity, and honesty. It is committed to creating a safe and respectful working environment for its employees and third parties associated with the organization.

Motivated by all of the above, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has implemented a communication channel, the IAC Ethics Channel, as a secure and confidential means to report illegal, inappropriate, or potentially harmful conduct that may be occurring at this center. This is done without prejudice to the fact that if the reported facts constitute fraud or irregularities affecting European or national funds, they may be reported to the General Comptroller of the State Administration or the European Anti-Fraud Office at the following links:

How does it work?

The IAC Ethics Channel operates in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023 of February 20, regulating the protection of persons reporting regulatory violations and the fight against corruption.

Through this channel, you can report any incident that you believe may involve a related violation, such as corruption, fraud, abuse of power, discrimination, sexual harassment, workplace violence, or other illegal or inappropriate behaviors contrary to the IAC Code of Ethics or its Anti-Fraud Measures Plan.

To report an incident, you can complete a form available here, send an email to codigoetico [at] (codigoetico[at]iac[dot]es), or contact IAC by postal mail. You are not required to provide your name, but you can do so if you wish. All information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential.

Once your report is received, the appropriate investigation will be carried out, and the necessary measures will be taken. The "Ethics Channel" enables direct communication with reporters, allowing them to be informed about the progress of the investigation and the measures taken.

Anyone who submits a report has the right to have their identity not disclosed to third parties. The identity of the reporter can only be disclosed to the Judicial Authority, the Public Prosecutor's Office, or the competent administrative authority as part of a criminal, disciplinary, or punitive investigation.

If you prefer not to identify yourself, the channel offers a completely anonymous way to stay.