Technological Training of IACTEC 2022

In force date
Call year
Pablo Gustavo
Redondo Caicoya
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
850.000,00€ €

The "Área de Carreteras, Movilidad, Innovación y Cultura" belonging to the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, has financed the employment of IACTEC´s researchers in the programmes "Space" (Microsatellites, Teledetection, Optical Communications), "Optical Systems Advanced Fabrication" and "Medical Technology" through the  IACTEC Technological Training" project.

Annual financial budget comes from Fondo de Desarrollo de Canarias, in the frame of the Marco Estratégico de Desarrollo Insular (MEDI)2016-2025. Presently, this funding covers up to 16 technologist asigned to the projects of IACTEC Technological Training.

State of being in force
Type of funding