
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Metallofullerenes as potential candidates for the explanation of astrophysical phenomena
    Detection of complex organic species in space has been one of the biggest challenges of the astrophysical community since the beginning of space exploration, with C60-fullerene representing one of the largest molecules so far detected. The presence of small metal-containing organic molecules, like MgNC or CaCN, in space, promoted the idea that C60
    Barzaga R. et al.

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  • Solid state debromination of C 60 Br 24 back to C 60 with cesium iodide: kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism
    The bromofullerene C60Br24 undergoes a complete and quantitative debromination to C60 when it is mixed and ground in the solid state with cesium iodide (CsI). The kinetics of this unique solid state debromination reaction was studied with FT-IR spectroscopy on C60Br24 embedded in CsI pellet. The debromination rate constant was measured k = 8.4 x 10
    Barzaga, Ransel et al.

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  • A study on poly(indene)
    Indene was polymerized to polyindene (PI) through a cationic mechanism using TiCl4•2THF complex as initiator. The cationic mechanism was investigated through electronic absorption spectroscopy and either the indanyl cation as well as the polyindenyl cation absorption bands were distinguished and assigned. The PI structure was investigated through
    Cataldo F. et al.

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  • Green, solventless debromination of C 70 Br 10 to C 70 with CsI
    A smooth, solventless and solid state debromination of C70Br10 can be achieved in a CsI matrix with the restoration of the pristine C70 in quantitative yields. Such debromination reaction was studied with FT-IR spectroscopy and its kinetics was fitted by a pseudofirst order law, with a rate constant in the range of 3.6-5.2 x 10−5 s−1. The thermal
    Barzaga, Ransel et al.

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  • A comprehensive empirical investigation of Galactic fast-rotating O-type stars
    Rotation is one of the important parameters affecting the evolution and final fate of massive stars but the origin of fast rotators remains unclear (imprint of the star formation process, result of binary interactions). In this work, we aim at investigating the binary status, photometric variability, and runaway status of a statistically meaningful
    Britavskiy, N. et al.

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  • Alicante Survey of Massive Stars in H II regions (A-SMASHER)
    The aim of this survey is the homogeneous characterization of a large sample of H II regions with active star formation in order to detect observational trends supporting the two main models of massive star formation.
    Marco, A. et al.

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