RISE is a fast-readout camera developed in collaboration with the Queens University Belfast for the precision measurement of transiting exoplanet timing. The camera optics were designed by John Meaburn. Mechanical design work was done at Liverpool JMU, and mechanical and software build done at QUB.
The CCD camera in use with RISE is an Andor DW485 which houses an E2V CCD 47-20 frame transfer device.
Technical Data
Single fixed filter
Pixel Scale: 0.54 arcsec/pixel (unbinned)
Field of view 9.2 x 9.2 arcmin (11 arcmin unvignetted circle — see diagram below)
Minimum exposure Time 1.2 seconds (1x1 binning)
Minimum exposure Time 0.6 seconds (2x2 binning)
Little readout overhead (0.035sec)
Gain (2x2 binning) 2.3 electrons/count
Read noise (2x2 binning) 10 electrons
Mean dark current (2x2 binning) 0.0143 counts/sec
Saturation Limit (1x1 binning) 20,000 counts
Saturation limit (2x2 binning) 40,000 counts
Sketch of the RISE unvignetted field-of-view (the circle) superimposed onto the square CCD field.