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The robotic Transient Survey Telescope (TST) installed in the Teide Observatory of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has successfully started its scientific observations. It is a 1 metre telescope which permits the detection of rapidly varying objects, and is set up to map the sky. The TST has been built and run via a public-private collaboration with Canary funding. The Transient Survey Telescope (TST) is a telescope with a 1 metre primary mirror, built to take long-term observations called surveys, for the detection of faint, rapidly varying objects over a wide area of the skyAdvertised on
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participa una vez más en la Feria de la Ciencia de La Orotava que este año cumple su XXI edición. Se trata del encuentro de divulgación más longevo de Canarias y que en esta ocasión está dedicada a nuestra estrella: el Sol. Esta edición se celebrará el próximo domingo, 10 de noviembre, en la Plaza de la Constitución de La Orotava, entre las 10:30 y las 18:30 horas. El IAC participará en esta feria con un stand donde ofrecerá actividades coordinadas por el equipo de Divulgación de la Unidad de Comunicación y Cultura Científica (UC3) del IAC junto aAdvertised on
From 14 to 16 February, the second scientific meeting of the Laboratory for Innovation in Opto-Mechanics (LIOM) will be held at the IACTEC building managed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in the Science and Technology Park of La Laguna (Tenerife). This project is dedicated to the development of new optical and mechanical technologies that will form part of the next generation of telescopes capable of detecting biomarkers on exoplanets. One year after its creation, the IAC's Laboratory for Innovation in Opto-Mechanics (LIOM), is holding its second international meetingAdvertised on