
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  •  TLP Tenerife at the Trade Fair Centre
    The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the TLP Tenerife, the largest technology and new trends event in the Canary Islands, join forces to offer a unique experience that fuses science, digital culture and fun. From 3 to 8 September, the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Exhibition Centre will become the perfect setting where attendees, as well as sharing hobbies and enjoying video games, esports, manga and Asian culture through music and dance, and board games, will be able to learn about the mysteries of the universe. In this edition, the IAC and TLP Tenerife have designed a series of
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  • Participants in the day of activities organized by the IAC, ACAPS and the MCC as part of the "Vacations in Peace" program. Credit: Iván Jiménez (IAC)
    This Tuesday, a group of Saharawi schoolchildren from the "Holidays in Peace" program, accompanied by their host families from Tenerife and Fuerteventura, have become real space explorers thanks to a day of outreach activities organized by the Scientific Communication and Outreach Unit (UC3) of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), together with the Asociación Canaria de Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui (ACAPS) and the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos (MCC, Museums of Tenerife). This action has been carried out in the framework of the summer activities of the Amanar project. With
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  • Phellower realizando una observación solar en el Observatorio del Teide
    The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is joining the ninth edition of the PHE Festival , one of the most outstanding musical events of the summer in Tenerife. In this first collaboration, the IAC has organised a series of activities that bring astronomy closer to the general public, thus complementing the cultural offer of the festival. On 21 and 22 August, the IAC offered guided tours of the Teide Observatory, allowing visitors to get a first-hand look at one of the most important astronomical research centres in the world. These exclusive visits provided the opportunity to explore
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  • Selection of galaxy images taken by Euclid
    A new citizen science project launched today by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Euclid Consortium, in collaboration with the Zooniverse platform, will enable volunteers from around the world to identify the shapes of millions of galaxies in images taken by ESA's Euclid space telescope. The aim of the initiative is to train deep AI neural networks to build the largest morphology catalogue to date. In November 2023 and May 2024, the world got its first glimpse at the quality of Euclid’s images, targeting a variety of sources, from nearby nebulas to distant clusters of galaxies. And
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  • Collages of images from the different editions of the ""Nuestros Alumnos y el ORM"" programme
    This educational programme, organised and developed by the scientific institutions of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), is celebrating its 14th birthday, and it does so with unanmiously high opinions from the schools which have participated in the programme this year. This can be gleaned from the data in the questionnaire circulated by the IAC among the educational centres which participated in this edition of the programme in 2024, which reflect 100% satisfaction. In 2024 the programme included 14 lectures in educational centres, and
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  • Jornada de puertas abiertas en el Observatorio del Teide
    Cientos de personas se han acercado este fin de semana al Observatorio del Teide para participar en las tradicionales jornadas de puertas abiertas que organiza el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias coincidiendo con la semana del solsticio de verano. Esta actividad, organizada de forma conjunta por el Observatorio del Teide y por la Unidad de Comunicación y Cultura Científica (UC3) del IAC, forma parte de las tareas de divulgación que realiza el Instituto para que la ciudadanía pueda conocer de primera mano uno de los mejores observatorios del mundo, sus infraestructuras, el trabajo de su
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