
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Mapa interactivo contaminación lumínica EELabs
    La Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias han desarrollado un método para calibrar imágenes nocturnas de satélites a partir de medidas de redes de fotómetros nocturnos. El trabajo, financiado por el proyecto Interreg EELabs, está orientado a evaluar de forma más precisa la contaminación lumínica y su impacto en los ecosistemas naturales de la Macaronesia. Los datos están a disposición de la comunidad científica a través del portal del proyecto. Desde su inicio en 2020, el proyecto Interreg EELabs ha desplegado más de un centenar de sensores en las
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  • Today, 10 October, the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, David Lucas, visited the facilities of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Garafía, La Palma), accompanied by the Observatory's administrator, Emilio García, and the island director of the State Administration, Ana María de León. The visit took place after the start of the meeting of the European Union's Directors-General for Housing, which was chaired by the Secretary of State and held at the Roque de los Muchachos Visitors' Centre. The conference of the most senior officials responsible for European
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  • Sergio Rodríguez at ORM
    The president of the La Palma Island Council, Sergio Rodríguez Fernández, visited the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Garafía, La Palma), accompanied by the third vice-president and councillor for Tourism, Raquel Rebollo Morera, and the councillor for Culture, Heritage and Crafts, Pablo Díaz Cobiella. The visit was attended by the Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Rafael Rebolo, the Director of the Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC or Grantecan), Romano Corradi, and the Observatory Manager (ORM), Emilio García. During this meeting, they visited the GTC, the
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  • Teresa Ribera at the Teide Observatory
    The third vice-president and acting minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, the government delegate in the Canary Islands, Anselmo Pestana, and the president of the Tenerife Island Council, Rosa Dávila, visited the Teide Observatory (OT) to receive information on the state of the facilities after the fire suffered last Sunday. The visit was attended by the director of the IAC, Rafael Rebolo, the head of telescopic operations, Álex Oscoz, and the head of instrumentation maintenance, Héctor Quintero. During the visit they checked that the fire did not cause any damage to the
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  • HD 192575
    An international collaboration, with the participation of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), determines with an unprecedented level of precision the mass, age and rotation profile of the core of a massive pulsating star. Known as HD 192575, it has been observed by the NASA space telescope TESS continuously for more than a year. The results shed new light on how such stars are internally structured and how they evolve until their death, when they explode as supernovae and form neutron stars and black holes. The scientific team has also used observations made with the Mercator
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