How galaxies formed and evolved through cosmic time is one of the key questions of modern astronomy and astrophysics. Cosmological time- and length-scales are so large that the evolution of individual
ClaudioDalla Vecchia
Numerical simulation through complex computer codes has been a fundamental tool in physics and technology research for decades. The rapid growth of computing capabilities, coupled with significant
Daniel ElíasNóbrega Siverio -
Several spectroscopic analyses of stars with planets have recently been carried out. One of the most remarkable results is that planet-harbouring stars are on average more metal-rich than solar-type
GarikIsraelian -
A project for the technological demonstration of the use of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) in the field of adaptive optics systems.Luis FernandoRodríguez Ramos
Optical communication operations with the OGS. The aim of this project is to characterise optical communications from the earth to artificial satellites.
Participation in OPTICON. One of the main goals of this project, to which many of the individual activities being carried out at OPTICON are also contributing, is to produce construction specifications for a European Extremely Large Telescope.
OSIRIS is a camera and intermediate spectrograph in operation in the GTC telescope. OSIRIS has various observation modes: direct image, wide slit and multi-slit, which can be combined with charge shuffling and tunable filters. It includes a focal plane mask loader for multi-object spectroscopy.JorgeCepa Nogue
The members of the Particle Astrophysics Group of the IAC participate actively in three large international collaborations of high-energy astrophysics: AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer), the
Mónica LuisaVázquez Acosta -
The Educational Project with Robotic Telescopes (PETeR) is an online laboratory that aims to engage Spanish students in science and technology and to foster the acquisition of STEM skills through
NayraRodríguez Eugenio -
This project aims at the searching, observation and analysis of massive stars in nearby galaxies to provide a solid empirical ground to understand their physical properties as a function of those key
SergioSimón Díaz -
The research that is being carried out by the group can be condensed into two main lines:
1) Study of the structure, dynamics, physical conditions and chemical evolution of Galactic and extragalactic
JorgeGarcía Rojas -
Pi2FA aims at the development of new methods for investigating the magnetism in the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, the chromosphere. The objective is to understand the processes that make the chromosphere have so high temperatures.Elena Khomenko