Atmospherical wavefront phases using the plenoptic sensor (real data)

Lüke, J. P.; Montilla, I.; Rodríguez-Ramos, L. F.; López, M.; Femenía, B.; Trujillo-Sevilla, J.; Marichal-Hernández, J. G.; López, R.; Rodríguez-Ramos, J. M.; Rosa, F.; Puga, M.; Fernández-Valdivia, J. J.
Bibliographical reference

Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2012. Edited by Javidi, Bahram; Son, Jung-Young. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8384, pp. 83840D-83840D-9 (2012).

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Plenoptic cameras have been developed the last years as a passive method for 3d scanning, allowing focal stack capture from a single shot. But data recorded by this kind of sensors can also be used to extract the wavefront phases associated to the atmospheric turbulence in an astronomical observation. The terrestrial atmosphere degrades the telescope images due to the diffraction index changes associated to the turbulence. Na artificial Laser Guide Stars (Na-LGS, 90km high) must be used to obtain the reference wavefront phase and the Optical Transfer Function of the system, but they are affected by defocus because of the finite distance to the telescope. Using the telescope as a plenoptic camera allows us to correct the defocus and to recover the wavefront phase tomographically, taking advantage of the two principal characteristics of the plenoptic sensors at the same time: 3D scanning and wavefront sensing. Then, the plenoptic sensors can be studied and used as an alternative wavefront sensor for Adaptive Optics, particularly relevant when Extremely Large Telescopes projects are being undertaken. In this paper, we will present the first observational wavefront phases extracted from real astronomical observations, using punctual and extended objects, and we show that the restored wavefronts match the Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence.