An Attempt to Observe Stellar Convection via Power Spectrum

Vazquez Ramio, Hector; Roca Cortes, Teodoro; Regulo, Clara
Bibliographical reference

Solar and Solar-Like Oscillations: Insights and Challenges for the Sun and Stars, 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 12, 18 July 2003, Sydney, Australia

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It is known that the convective motions at solar photosphere level are visible in the frequency domain through the so called ""solar noise"". Time-resolved differential CCD photometry time series form 2 to 4 days long obtained at the Observatorio del Teide Izaña (Tenerife) using the 1m telescope of the Optical Ground Station (OGS) have been taken of five different stellar fields containing late type stars (spectral types F G and K) using de-focusing technique. It is expected they present convective activity at stellar surface and hence its signature must appear in their power spectra. By analogy with the solar case information about time scales of the possible stellar convective structures may be inferred. One of the observed stellar fields contained Uranus which reflects the light coming from the Sun and may be used to calibrate the stellar power spectra of the surrounding stars in the field since solar one is known from space observations carried out by Variability of the solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations (VIRGO) instrument.