Moutou, C.; Almenara, J. M.; Díaz, R. F.; Alonso, R.; Deleuil, M.; Guenther, E.; Pasternacki, T.; Aigrain, S.; Baglin, A.; Barge, P.; Bonomo, A. S.; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Cabrera, J.; Carpano, S.; Cochran, W. D.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Deeg, H. J.; Dvorak, R.; Endl, M.; Erikson, A.; Ferraz-Mello, S.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Guillot, T.; Hatzes, A.; Hébrard, G.; Lovis, C.; Lammer, H.; MacQueen, P. J.; Mazeh, T.; Ofir, A.; Ollivier, M.; Pätzold, M.; Rauer, H.; Rouan, D.; Santerne, A.; Schneider, J.; Tingley, B.; Wuchterl, G.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 3, p.2783-2792
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Refereed citations
The CoRoT satellite has provided high-precision photometric light curves
for more than 163 000 stars and found several hundreds of transiting
systems compatible with a planetary scenario. If ground-based
velocimetric observations are the best way to identify the actual
planets among many possible configurations of eclipsing binary systems,
recent transit surveys have shown that it is not always within reach of
the radial-velocity detection limits. In this paper, we present a
transiting exoplanet candidate discovered by CoRoT whose nature cannot
be established from ground-based observations, and where extensive
analyses are used to validate the planet scenario. They are based on
observing constraints from radial-velocity spectroscopy, adaptive optics
imaging and the CoRoT transit shape, as well as from priors on stellar
populations, planet and multiple stellar systems frequency. We use the
fully Bayesian approach developed in the PASTIS (Planet Analysis and
Small Transit Investigation Software) analysis software, and conclude
that the planet scenario is at least 1400 times more probable than any
other false-positive scenario. The primary star is a metallic solar-like
dwarf, with Ms = 1.099 ± 0.049 M⊙ and
Rs = 1.136^{+0.038}_{-0.090} R⊙. The validated
planet has a radius of Rp = 4.88^{+0.17}_{-0.39}
R⊕ and mass less than 49 M⊕. Its mean
density is smaller than 2.56 g cm-3 and orbital period is
9.7566 ± 0.0012 d. This object, called CoRoT-22 b, adds to a
large number of validated Kepler planets. These planets do not have a
proper measurement of the mass but allow statistical characterization of
exoplanets population.
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