Distance of 72 Galactic globular clusters (Recio-Blanco+, 2005)

Recio-Blanco, A.; Piotto, G.; de Angeli, F.; Cassisi, S.; Riello, M.; Salaris, M.; Pietrinferni, A.; Zoccali, M.; Aparicio, A.
Bibliographical reference

VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/432/851. Originally published in: 2005A&A...432..851R

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We present distance modulus and reddening determinations for 72 Galactic globular clusters from the homogeneous photometric database of Piotto et al. (2002, cat. ), calibrated to the HST flight F439W and F555W bands. The distances have been determined by comparison with theoretical absolute magnitudes of the ZAHB. For low and intermediate metallicity clusters, we have estimated the apparent Zero Age Horizontal Branch (ZAHB) magnitude from the RR Lyrae level. For metal rich clusters, the ZAHB magnitude was obtained from the fainter envelope of the red HB. Reddenings have been estimated by comparison of the HST colour-magnitude diagrams (CMD) with ground CMDs of template clusters with low reddening. The homogeneity of both the photometric data and the adopted methodological approach allowed us to obtain highly accurate relative cluster distances and reddenings. Our results are also compared with recent compilations in the literature. Description: ************************************************************************** * * * Sorry, but the author(s) never supplied the tabular material * * announced in the paper * * * ************************************************************************** (1 data file).