EMIR high-dynamic range readout modes

Castro-Rodriguez, N.; González-Fenández, Carlos; Hammersley, Peter L.; López-Martín, L.; Barreto, Mary; Patrón, Jesús; Garzón, F.; Díaz, J. J.; Nuñez, M.; Gago, Fernando
Bibliographical reference

High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8453, id. 84532I-84532I-10 (2012).

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EMIR is the NIR imager and multiobject spectrograph being built as a common user instrument for the GTC and it is currently entering in the integration and verification phase at system level. EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the IAC. In this paper we describe the readout modes of EMIR detector, a Hawaii2 FPA, after two full calibrations campaigns. Besides the standard set of modes (reset-read, CDS, Fowler, Follow-up the ramp), the modified SDSU-III hardware and home made software will also offer high dynamic range readout modes, which will improve the ability of the instrument to sound densely populated areas which often are made of objects with large differences in brightness. These new high dynamic range modes are: single readout with very short integration time, window mode and combination of both. The results show that the new modes behave linearly with different exposition times, improve the maximum frame rate and increase the saturation limit in image mode for EMIR instrument.