Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Fuller, Lindsay; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena; Efstathiou, Andreas; Ichikawa, Kohei; Levenson, Nancy A.; Packham, Chris; Radomski, James; Ramos Almeida, C.; Benford, Dominic J.; Berthoud, Marc; Hamilton, Ryan; Harper, Doyal; Kovávcs, Attila; Santos, Fabio P.; Staguhn, J.; Herter, Terry
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 859, Issue 2, article id. 99, 10 pp. (2018).
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Refereed citations
We present observations of NGC 1068 covering the 19.7–53.0 μm
wavelength range using FORCAST and HAWC+ on board SOFIA. Using these
observations, high-angular-resolution infrared (IR) and submillimeter
observations, we find an observational turnover of the torus emission in
the 30–40 μm wavelength range with a characteristic temperature
of 70–100 K. This component is clearly different from the diffuse
extended emission in the narrow line and star formation regions at
10–100 μm within the central 700 pc. We compute 2.2–432
μm 2D images using the best inferred CLUMPY torus model based on
several nuclear spectral energy distribution (SED) coverages. We find
that when 1–20 μm SED is used, the inferred result gives a
small torus size (<4 pc radius) and a steep radial dust distribution.
The computed torus using the 1–432 μm SED provides comparable
torus sizes, {5.1}-0.4+0.4 pc radius, and
morphology to the recently resolved 432 μm Atacama Large Millimeter
Array observations. This result indicates that the 1–20 μm
wavelength range is not able to probe the full extent of the torus. The
characterization of the turnover emission of the torus using the
30–60 μm wavelength range is sensitive to the detection of cold
dust in the torus. The morphology of the dust emission in our 2D image
at 432 μm is spatially coincident with the cloud distribution, while
the morphology of the emission in the 1–20 μm wavelength range
shows an elongated morphology perpendicular to the cloud distribution.
We find that our 2D CLUMPY torus image at 12 μm can produce
comparable results to those observed using IR interferometry.
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