Lewis, I. J.; Dalton, Gavin B.; Brock, Matthew; Gilbert, James; Abrams, Don C.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; Middleton, Kevin; Trager, Scott C.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 914734 11 pp. (2014).
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WEAVE is the next-generation wide-field optical spectroscopy facility
for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma, Canary Islands,
Spain. It is a multi-object "pick and place" fibre fed spectrograph with
more than one thousand fibres behind a new dedicated 2° prime focus
corrector, This is similar in concept to the Australian Astronomical
Observatory's 2dF instrument1 with two observing plates, one of which is
observing the sky while other is being reconfigured by a robotic fibre
positioner. It will be capable of acquiring more than 10000 star or
galaxy spectra a night. The WEAVE positioner concept uses two robots
working in tandem in order to reconfigure a fully populated field within
the expected 1 hour dwell-time for the instrument (a good match between
the required exposure times and the limit of validity for a given
configuration due to the effects of differential refraction).