Luna, M.; Karpen, J. T.; DeVore, C. R.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746, Issue 1, article id. 30 (2012).
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We investigate the process of formation and subsequent evolution of
prominence plasma in a filament channel and its overlying arcade. We
construct a three-dimensional time-dependent model of an intermediate
quiescent prominence suitable to be compared with observations. We
combine the magnetic field structure of a three-dimensional sheared
double arcade with one-dimensional independent simulations of many
selected flux tubes, in which the thermal nonequilibrium process governs
the plasma evolution. We have found that the condensations in the corona
can be divided into two populations: threads and blobs. Threads are
massive condensations that linger in the flux tube dips. Blobs are
ubiquitous small condensations that are produced throughout the filament
and overlying arcade magnetic structure, and rapidly fall to the
chromosphere. The threads are the principal contributors to the total
mass, whereas the blob contribution is small. The total prominence mass
is in agreement with observations, assuming reasonable filling factors
of order 0.001 and a fixed number of threads. The motion of the threads
is basically horizontal, while blobs move in all directions along the
field. We have generated synthetic images of the whole structure in an
Hα proxy and in two EUV channels of the Atmospheric Imaging
Assembly instrument on board Solar Dynamics Observatory, thus showing
the plasma at cool, warm, and hot temperatures. The predicted
differential emission measure of our system agrees very well with
observations in the temperature range log T = 4.6-5.7. We conclude that
the sheared-arcade magnetic structure and plasma behavior driven by
thermal nonequilibrium fit the abundant observational evidence well for
typical intermediate prominences.