GATOS JWST Observations of NGC 5728: Polar Dust

Levenson, Nancy; Rosario, David J.; Leist, Mason; Packham, Christopher; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena; Bellocchi, Enrica; Garcia-Bernete, Ismael; Hicks, Erin; Labiano, Alvaro; Ramos Almeida, Cristina; Stalevski, Marko; Gatos Team
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American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts

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Recently, mid-infrared (MIR) interferometry and single-dish high angular resolution imaging has revealed the presence of dust in the polar regions of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN), on scales from parsecs to hundreds of parsecs. However, the nature, extent, and connection to the postulated outflows and inflows in the AGN environs is poorly constrained. The unprecedented sensitivity and PSF stability of JWST enables MIR observations and physical characterization of the polar dust (extending perpendicular to the accretion disk) in nearby AGN. We present early results of our program of eight AGN, with emphasis on the Seyfert 2 NGC 5728. Here the polar dust emission is correlated with the optically thin ionized emission and is possibly connected to the outflowing material.