GRO J1744-28: The Swift view of the reactivation of The Bursting Pulsar

Kennea, Jamie A.; Kouveliotou, Chryssa; Younes, George A.; Miller, Jon M.; Palmer, David; Krimm, Hans A.; Linares, M.
Bibliographical reference

American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, #122.05

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GRO J1744-28, AKA "The Bursting Pulsar", first discovered in 1995 by the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, has lay dormant since its 2nd outburst in 1996. On January 18th, 2014, it was detected again by Swift's Burst Alert Telescope and by the Japanese MAXI scanning X-ray telescope. Swift's BAT triggered many times on the bright bursts seen from GRO J1744-28 during this latest outburst, and detected over 600 bursts. The reappearance of this exciting transient triggered a high cadence monitoring program by Swift/XRT to provide flux, timing and spectral coverage of the entire outburst. Here we report on these observations of this new outburst by Swift's BAT and XRT, including analysis of burst rates, periodicity and pulse profile. We also show the spectral evolution of the source as seen by Swift/XRT throughout the latest outburst.