Kinematics and stellar population of NGC 4486A

Prugniel, Ph.; Zeilinger, W.; Koleva, M.; de Rijcke, S.
Bibliographical reference

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 528, id.A128

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Context. NGC 4486A is a low-luminosity elliptical galaxy harbouring an edge-on nuclear disk of stars and dust. It is known to host a super-massive black hole. Aims: We study its large-scale kinematics and stellar population along the major axis to investigate the link between the nuclear and global properties. Methods: We use long-slit medium-resolution optical spectra that we fit against stellar population models. Results: The SSP-equivalent age is about 12 Gyr old throughout the body of the galaxy, and its metallicity decreases from [Fe/H] = 0.18 near the centre to sub-solar values in the outskirts. The metallicity gradient is -0.24 dex per decade of radius within the effective isophote. The velocity dispersion is 132 ± 3 km s-1 at 1.3″ from the centre and decreases outwards. The rotation velocity reaches a maximum Vmax gtrapprox 115±5 km s-1 at a radius 1.3 < rmax < 2″. Conclusions: NGC 4486A appears to be a typical low-luminosity elliptical galaxy. There is no signature in the stellar population of the possible ancient accretion/merging event that produced the disk.
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Traces of Galaxy Formation: Stellar populations, Dynamics and Morphology
We are a large, diverse, and very active research group aiming to provide a comprehensive picture for the formation of galaxies in the Universe. Rooted in detailed stellar population analysis, we are constantly exploring and developing new tools and ideas to understand how galaxies came to be what we now observe.
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