Weidner, C.; Kroupa, P.; Pflamm-Altenburg, J.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 434, Issue 1, p.84-101
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Refereed citations
We introduce a new method to measure the dispersion of mmax
values of star clusters and show that the observed sample of
mmax is inconsistent with random sampling from a universal
stellar initial mass function (IMF) at a 99.9 per cent confidence level.
The scatter seen in the mmax-Mecl data can be
mainly (76 per cent) understood as being the result of observational
uncertainties only. The scatter of mmax values at a given
Mecl is consistent with mostly being measurement
uncertainties such that the true (physical) scatter may be very small.
Additionally, new data on the local star-formation regions Taurus-Auriga
and L1641 in Orion make stochastically formed stellar populations rather
unlikely. The data are however consistent with the local integrated
galactic stellar initial mass function theory according to which a
stellar population is a sum of individual star-forming events each of
which is described by well-defined physical laws. Randomly sampled IMFs
and henceforth scale-free star formation seems to be in contradiction to
observed reality.
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