Manjavacas, E.; Bonnefoy, M.; Schlieder, J. E.; Allard, F.; Rojo, P.; Goldman, B.; Chauvin, G.; Homeier, D.; Lodieu, N.; Henning, T.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 564, id.A55, 21 pp.
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Context. Gravity modifies the spectral features of young brown dwarfs
(BDs). A proper characterization of these objects is crucial for the
identification of the least massive and latest-type objects in
star-forming regions, and to explain the origin(s) of the peculiar
spectrophotometric properties of young directly imaged extrasolar
planets and BD companions. Aims: We obtained medium-resolution (R
~ 1500-1700) near-infrared (1.1-2.5 μm) spectra of seven young
M9.5-L3 dwarfs classified at optical wavelengths. We aim to empirically
confirm the low surface gravity of the objects in the near-infrared. We
also test whether self-consistent atmospheric models correctly represent
the formation and the settling of dust clouds in the atmosphere of young
late-M and L dwarfs. Methods: We used the Infrared Spectrometer
And Array Camera (ISAAC) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to obtain the
spectra of the targets. We compared the spectra to those of mature and
young BDs, and to young late-type companions to nearby stars with known
ages to identify and study gravity-sensitive features. We computed
spectral indices weakly sensitive to the surface gravity to derive
near-infrared spectral types. Finally, we found the best fit between
each spectrum and synthetic spectra from the BT-Settl 2010 and 2013
atmospheric models. Using the best fit, we derived the atmospheric
parameters of the objects and identified which spectral characteristics
the models do not reproduce. Results: We confirmed that our
objects are young BDs and we found near-infrared spectral types in
agreement with the ones determined at optical wavelengths. The spectrum
of the L2γ dwarf 2MASSJ232252.99-615127.5
reproduces the spectrum of the planetary mass companion 1RXS
J160929.1-210524b well. The BT-Settl models fit the spectra
and the 1-5 μm spectral energy distribution of the L0-L3 dwarfs for
temperatures between 1600-2000 K. But the models fail to reproduce the
shape of the H band and the near-infrared slope of some of our targets.
This fact, and the best-fit solutions found with super-solar
metallicity, are indicative of a lack of dust, in particular at high
altitude, in the cloud models. Conclusions: The modeling of the
vertical mixing and of the grain growth will be revised in the next
version of the BT-Settl models. These revisions may suppress the
remaining non-reproducibilities. Our spectra provide additional
templates for the characterization of the numerous young L-type
companions that will be detected in the coming years by planet imaging
instruments such as VLT/SPHERE, Gemini/GPI, Subaru/SCexAO, and
Based on observations made with ESO telescopes at the Paranal
Observatory under programs 085.C-0676 and 290.C-5145.Appendices are
available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.orgThe
spectra (FITS files) are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to
( or via
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