NIRPS near-infrared spectrograph: AITV phase at ESO3.6m/La Silla

Malo, Lison; Baron, Frédérique; Poulin-Girard, Anne-Sophie; Vallée, Philippe; St-Antoine, Jonathan; Brousseau, Denis; Auger, Hugues; Reshetov, Vladimir; Wildi, François; Sordet, Michaël.; Artigau, Étienne; Doyon, René; Thibault, Simon; Bouchy, François; Cook, Neil J.; Frensch, Yolanda; Lo Curto, Gaspare; Zins, Gérard; Sosnowska, Danuta; Wevers, Ivan; Kerley, Dan; Allain, Guillaume; Allart, Romain; Hubin, Norbert; Cadieux, Charles; Carmona, Andres; Challita, Zalpha; Grieves, Nolan; Hernandez, Olivier; Vandal, Thomas; Blind, Nicolas; Mignon, Lucile; Nielsen, Louise; Pepe, Francesco; Dumusque, Xavier; Lovis, Christophe; Canto Martins, Bruno L.; de Medeiros, José Renan; Delfosse, Xavier; Santos, Nuno; González-Hernández, Jonay I.; Rebolo, Rafael; Wade, Gregg; Abreu, Manuel; Barros, Susana; Bazinet, Luc; Boisse, Isabelle; Bonfils, Xavier; Bourrier, Vincent; Bovay, Sébastien; Broeg, Christopher; Bruniquel, Vincent; Cabral, Alexandre; Carteret, Yann; Chazelas, Bruno; Cloutier, Ryan; Coelho, João.; Cointepas, Marion; Conod, Uriel; Cowan, Nicolas; Cristo, Eduardo; Gomes da Silva, Joao; Dauplaise, Laurie; de Lima Gomes, Roseane; Delgado-Mena, Elisa; Ehrenreich, David; Faria, Joao; Figueira, Pedro; Forveille, Thierry; Gagne, Jonathan; Genest, Frederic; Genolet, Ludovic; Gracia Témich, Félix; Hobson, Melissa J.; Hoeijmakers, Jens; Krishnamurthy, Vigneshwaran; Lafreniere, David; Lamontagne, Pierrot; Larue, Pierre; Leath, Henry; Leão, Izan C.; Lim, Olivia; Martins, Allan M.; Melo, Claudio; Messias, Yuri S.; Moranta, Leslie; Mordasini, Christoph; Al Moulla, Khaled; Mounzer, Dany; L'Heureux, Alexandrine; Nari, Nicola; Osborn, Ares; Parc, Lena; Pasquini, Luca; Passegger, Vera M.; Pelletier, Stefan; Peroux, Celine; Piaulet, Caroline; Plotnykov, Mykhaylo; Rasilla, José Luis et al.
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Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X

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NIRPS is a fiber-fed AO nIR spectrograph working simultaneously with HARPS at the La Silla-ESO 3.6m telescope. The cryogenic spectrograph operating at 75K employs a cross-dispersed echelle grating (R4), covering a wavelength range of 0.98-1.80 microns in a single image using a Teledyne Hawaii-4RG infrared detector. In early 2022, the NIRPS spectrograph was transported to Chile by plane with all the optical elements mechanically attached to the optical bench inside the vaccum vessel. To ensure the safety of the spectrograph, dedicated work was performed on the shipping crate design, which could survive up to 7g shocks. In La Silla, the vacuum vessel was re-integrated on its support structure and the spectrograph alignment was verified with the H4RG and the injection module. Given the optical design, the alignment phase was performed using a metrology arm and a few optical tests, which minimize the time required for this critical phase. From the validation/technical phase results, two major modifications were required. Firstly, the original grating element was replaced by a new etched crystalline silicon component made by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering. A novel technique was developed to verify the alignment at a warm temperature with the H4RG detector. Secondly, a thermal enclosure was added around the vacuum vessel to optimize thermal stability. Since then, the long-term thermal stability has been better than 0.2mK over 20 days. In this paper, we will review the final spectrograph performances, prior to shipping, and describe the novel techniques developed to minimize shipping costs, AITV phase duration, and grating replacement at the observatory. Additionally, we will discuss the thermal enclosure design to achieve the sub-mK thermal stability.