Optimising rapid autonomous transient classifications with the New Robotic Telescope

Jermak, Helen; Law, David; Buntin, Sebastian; Bento, Joao; Chalmers, Carl; Copperwheat, Christopher M.; Steele, Iain A.; Harvey, Éamonn J.; Smith, Robert J.; Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo; Gutíerrez, Carlos M.
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Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IX

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The New Robotic Telescope (NRT), the 4-metre, next-generation Liverpool Telescope (LT), will be located on La Palma, Canary Islands. The design and development of the world's largest robotic telescope, with a slew speed of approximately 10 degrees/second, poses challenges that have resulted in innovative design concepts, including the scheduling algorithms used for optimal science efficiency. We present the latest updates for the NRT project, focusing, in particular, on the status of the observing model which is being adapted from the existing LT model. The catalogue of LT data taken over the past 18 years is being used to model the observing behaviour of the facility and to act as input data for the future NRT scheduling algorithm. This algorithm will combine the existing LT observing model with a new facility Key Science Program, which will conduct rapid-response spectroscopic classifications of a variety of survey targets, transient alerts and variables.