Aguilar, M.; Cavasonza, L. Ali; Ambrosi, G.; Arruda, L.; Attig, N.; Barao, F.; Barrin, L.; Bartoloni, A.; Başeǧmez-du Pree, S.; Battiston, R.; Behlmann, M.; Beranek, B.; Berdugo, J.; Bertucci, B.; Bindi, V.; Bollweg, K.; Borgia, B.; Boschini, M. J.; Bourquin, M.; Bueno, E. F.; Burger, J.; Burger, W. J.; Burmeister, S.; Cai, X. D.; Capell, M.; Casaus, J.; Castellini, G.; Cervelli, F.; Chang, Y. H.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, G. R.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, L.; Chou, H. Y.; Chouridou, S.; Choutko, V.; Chung, C. H.; Clark, C.; Coignet, G.; Consolandi, C.; Contin, A.; Corti, C.; Cui, Z.; Dadzie, K.; Dass, A.; Delgado, C.; Della Torre, S.; Demirköz, M. B.; Derome, L.; Di Falco, S.; Di Felice, V.; Díaz, C.; Dimiccoli, F.; von Doetinchem, P.; Dong, F.; Donnini, F.; Duranti, M.; Egorov, A.; Eline, A.; Feng, J.; Fiandrini, E.; Fisher, P.; Formato, V.; Freeman, C.; Gámez, C.; García-López, R. J.; Gargiulo, C.; Gast, H.; Gervasi, M.; Giovacchini, F.; Gómez-Coral, D. M.; Gong, J.; Goy, C.; Grabski, V.; Grandi, D.; Graziani, M.; Haino, S.; Han, K. C.; Hashmani, R. K.; He, Z. H.; Heber, B.; Hsieh, T. H.; Hu, J. Y.; Incagli, M.; Jang, W. Y.; Jia, Yi; Jinchi, H.; Karagöz, G.; Khiali, B.; Kim, G. N.; Kirn, Th.; Konyushikhin, M.; Kounina, O.; Kounine, A.; Koutsenko, V.; Krasnopevtsev, D.; Kuhlman, A.; Kulemzin, A.; La Vacca, G. et al.
Bibliographical reference
Physical Review Letters
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We present the precision measurement of the daily proton fluxes in cosmic rays from May 20, 2011 to October 29, 2019 (a total of 2824 days or 114 Bartels rotations) in the rigidity interval from 1 to 100 GV based on 5.5 ×109 protons collected with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer aboard the International Space Station. The proton fluxes exhibit variations on multiple timescales. From 2014 to 2018, we observed recurrent flux variations with a period of 27 days. Shorter periods of 9 days and 13.5 days are observed in 2016. The strength of all three periodicities changes with time and rigidity. The rigidity dependence of the 27-day periodicity is different from the rigidity dependences of 9-day and 13.5-day periods. Unexpectedly, the strength of 9-day and 13.5-day periodicities increases with increasing rigidities up to ∼10 GV and ∼20 GV , respectively. Then the strength of the periodicities decreases with increasing rigidity up to 100 GV.
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