Haas, Marcel R.; Schaye, Joop; Booth, C. M.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Springel, Volker; Theuns, Tom; Wiersma, Robert P. C.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 435, Issue 4, p.2955-2967
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We use hydrodynamical simulations from the OverWhelmingly Large
Simulations project to investigate the dependence of the physical
properties of galaxy populations at redshift 2 on the assumed star
formation law, the equation of state imposed on the unresolved
interstellar medium, the stellar initial mass function, the reionization
history and the assumed cosmology. This work complements that of Paper
I, where we studied the effects of varying models for galactic winds
driven by star formation and active galactic nucleus. The normalization
of the matter power spectrum strongly affects the galaxy mass function,
but has a relatively small effect on the physical properties of galaxies
residing in haloes of a fixed mass. Reionization suppresses the stellar
masses and gas fractions of low-mass galaxies, but by z = 2 the results
are insensitive to the timing of reionization. The stellar initial mass
function mainly determines the physical properties of galaxies through
its effect on the efficiency of the feedback, while changes in the
recycled mass and metal fractions play a smaller role. If we use a
recipe for star formation that reproduces the observed star formation
law independently of the assumed equation of state of the unresolved
interstellar medium, then the latter is unimportant. The star formation
law, i.e. the gas consumption time-scale as a function of surface
density, determines the mass of dense, star-forming gas in galaxies, but
affects neither the star formation rate nor the stellar mass. This can
be understood in terms of self-regulation: the gas fraction adjusts
until the outflow rate balances the inflow rate.