Planck Collaboration; Adam, R.; Aghanim, N.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Ballardini, M.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Bartolo, N.; Basak, S.; Battye, R.; Benabed, K.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bock, J. J.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Bond, J. R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F. R.; Boulanger, F.; Bucher, M.; Burigana, C.; Calabrese, E.; Cardoso, J.-F.; Carron, J.; Chiang, H. C.; Colombo, L. P. L.; Combet, C.; Comis, B.; Couchot, F.; Coulais, A.; Crill, B. P.; Curto, A.; Cuttaia, F.; Davis, R. J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Rosa, A.; de Zotti, G.; Delabrouille, J.; Di Valentino, E.; Dickinson, C.; Diego, J. M.; Doré, O.; Douspis, M.; Ducout, A.; Dupac, X.; Elsner, F.; Enßlin, T. A.; Eriksen, H. K.; Falgarone, E.; Fantaye, Y.; Finelli, F.; Forastieri, F.; Frailis, M.; Fraisse, A. A.; Franceschi, E.; Frolov, A.; Galeotta, S.; Galli, S.; Ganga, K.; Génova-Santos, R. T.; Gerbino, M.; Ghosh, T.; González-Nuevo, J.; Górski, K. M.; Gruppuso, A.; Gudmundsson, J. E.; Hansen, F. K.; Helou, G.; Henrot-Versillé, S.; Herranz, D.; Hivon, E.; Huang, Z.; Ilić, S.; Jaffe, A. H.; Jones, W. C.; Keihänen, E.; Keskitalo, R.; Kisner, T. S.; Knox, L.; Krachmalnicoff, N.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Lagache, G.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Lamarre, J.-M.; Langer, M.; Lasenby, A.; Lattanzi, M.; Lawrence, C. R.; Le Jeune, M.; Levrier, F.; Lewis, A.; Liguori, M.; Lilje, P. B.; López-Caniego, M.; Ma, Y.-Z. et al.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 596, id.A108, 19 pp.
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We investigate constraints on cosmic reionization extracted from the
Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. We combine the Planck CMB
anisotropy data in temperature with the low-multipole polarization data
to fit ΛCDM models with various parameterizations of the
reionization history. We obtain a Thomson optical depth τ = 0.058
± 0.012 for the commonly adopted instantaneous reionization
model. This confirms, with data solely from CMB anisotropies, the low
value suggested by combining Planck 2015 results with other data sets,
and also reduces the uncertainties. We reconstruct the history of the
ionization fraction using either a symmetric or an asymmetric model for
the transition between the neutral and ionized phases. To determine
better constraints on the duration of the reionization process, we also
make use of measurements of the amplitude of the kinetic
Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect using additional information from the
high-resolution Atacama Cosmology Telescope and South Pole Telescope
experiments. The average redshift at which reionization occurs is found
to lie between z = 7.8 and 8.8, depending on the model of reionization
adopted. Using kSZ constraints and a redshift-symmetric reionization
model, we find an upper limit to the width of the reionization period of
Δz < 2.8. In all cases, we find that the Universe is ionized at
less than the 10% level at redshifts above z ≃ 10. This suggests
that an early onset of reionization is strongly disfavoured by the
Planck data. We show that this result also reduces the tension between
CMB-based analyses and constraints from other astrophysical sources.