The PRIMitive Asteroids Spectroscopic Survey Library, PRIMASS-L, is ready for you to dive in!!!

Pinilla-Alonso, Noemí; Nascimento De Pra, Mario; de León, Julia; Lorenzi, Vania; Morate, David; Harvison, Brittany; Arredondo, Anicia; Licandro, Javier; Campins, Humberto; Sarid, Gal
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AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts

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PRIMASS-L is a spectral library that contains the results of the PRIMitive Asteroids Spectroscopic Survey (PRIMASS). As of August 2022 this library contains spectra of about 642 asteroids from 10 families and two groups that had been sparsely studied before. 85% of our targets did not have published spectra and only 40% had visible photometry. PRIMASS-L contains spectra from a variety of ground-based facilities. This survey is ongoing and is expected to contain about 800 spectra by the end of 2023.

In 2021, we started uploading the data to the PDS Small Bodies Node ( A first bundle containing visible spectroscopy is already available (Pinilla-Alonso et al. 2021, and the upload of the second bundle is in progress. This second bundle contains NIR spectroscopy of families in the inner and outer main belt.

Our work has been published in a series of papers and is part of three thesis dissertation. These works show that there is diversity in the presence of hydrated silciates, in the colors of the surface, and in the distribution of taxonomimcal types. Some families, as Polana, are dominated by B-type asteroids, blue in the visible, while others, as Chimaera, show a significant fraction of D/T types, which are considered very red primitive taxonomica classes, more abundant in the outer belt. Some families are dominated by one class, Chaldaea (86 % of C-type) while others like Erigone have some representation of all the typical primitive taxas (C, B, X, T). An "agnostic" analysis of all the population, avoiding the information of the family, could show if the primitive families in the inner belt share common characteristics or each of them have a different stody to tell.

Sharing PRIMASS-L with the community at the Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System enables synergies with other data sets containing physical parameters (e.g. polarimetric properties and geometric albedo) and family affiliation. This has potential to push the characterization of the families and primitive material to a new level and to improve our understanding of the evolution of our Solar System and other planetary systems.

We would like to acknowledge support from NASA grant 80NSSC18K0530 of the PDART ROSES program and from the Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science (CLASS) funded by NASA's SSERVI program at the University of Central Florida.