Radial Velocities in the Outermost Disk toward the Anticenter

López-Corredoira, M.; Sylos Labini, F.; Kalberla, P. M. W.; Allende Prieto, C.
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The Astronomical Journal, Volume 157, Issue 1, article id. 26, 13 pp. (2019).

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We measure the mean Galactocentric radial component of the velocity of stars (v R ) in the disk at 8 kpc < R < 28 kpc in the direction of the anticenter. For this, we use the Apache Point Galactic Evolution Experiment. Furthermore, we compare the result with H I maps along the same line of sight. We find an increase in positive (expansion) v R at R ≈ 9–13 kpc, reaching a maximum of ≈6 km s‑1, and a decrease at large values of R, reaching a negative (contraction) value of ≈‑10 km s‑1 for R > 17 kpc. Negative velocities are also observed in 21 cm H I maps, possibly dominated by local gas emission. Among the possible dynamical causes for these non-zero v R , factors such as the effect of the Galactic bar, streams, or mergers do not seem appropriate to explain our observations. An explanation might be the gravitational attraction of overdensities in a spiral arm. As a matter of fact, we see a change of regime from positive to negative velocities around R ≈ 15 kpc, in the position where we cross the Outer spiral arm in the anticenter. The mass in spiral arms necessary to produce these velocities would be about 3% of the mass of the disk, consistent with our knowledge of the spiral arms. Another scenario that we explore is a simple class of out-of-equilibrium systems in which radial motions are generally created by the monolithic collapse of isolated self-gravitating overdensities.
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