Farina, E. P.; Falomo, R.; Treves, A.; Decarli, R.; Kotilainen, J.; Scarpa, R.
Bibliographical reference
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 345, Issue 1, pp.199-202
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Refereed citations
We present optical spectroscopy of the nearest quasar pair listed in the
13th edition of the Véron-Cetty & Véron catalogue,
i.e. the two quasars SDSS J15244+3032 and RXS J15244+3032 (redshift
z≈0.27, angular separation Δ θ≈7″, and
line-of-sight velocity difference ΔV≈1900 km/s). This system
would be an optimal candidate to investigate the mutual interaction of
the host galaxies with ground based optical imaging and spectroscopy.
However, new optical data demonstrate that RXS J15244+3032 is indeed a
star of spectral type G. This paper includes data gathered with the
Asiago 1.82 m telescope (Cima Ekar Observatory, Asiago, Italy).
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