Miles-Páez, P. A.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Pallé, E.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 580, id.L12, 6 pp.
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Aims: We aim to monitor the optical linear polarimetric signal of
the magnetized, rapidly rotating M8.5 dwarf TVLM 513-46546.
Methods: R- and I-band linear polarimetry images were collected with the
Andalucía Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (ALFOSC)
instrument of the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) on two
consecutive nights, covering about 0.5 and four rotation cycles in the R
and I filters, respectively. We also obtained simultaneous intensity
curves by means of differential photometry. The typical precision of the
data is ±0.46% (R), ±0.35% (I) in the linear polarization
degree and ±9 mmag (R), ±1.6 mmag (I) in the differential
intensity curves. Results: Strong and variable linear
polarization is detected in the R and I filters, with values of maximum
polarization (p∗ = 1.30 ± 0.35 %), that are
similar for both bands. The intensity and the polarimetric curves
present a sinusoid-like pattern with a periodicity of ~1.98 h, which we
ascribe to structures in the surface of TVLM 513-46546 synchronized with
its rotation. We found that the peaks of intensity and polarimetric
curves occur with a phase difference of 0.18 ± 0.01 and that the
maximum of the linear polarization occurs nearly half a period (0.59
± 0.03) after the radio pulse. We discuss different scenarios to
account for the observed properties of the light curves.
Appendix A is available in electronic form at
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