Trujillo, I.; Bakos, J.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 431, Issue 2, p.1121-1135
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Refereed citations
Taking advantage of the ultradeep near-infrared imaging obtained with
the Hubble Space Telescope on the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, we detect and
explore for the first time the properties of the stellar haloes of two
Milky Way-like galaxies at z ˜ 1. We find that the structural
properties of those haloes (size and shape) are similar to the ones
found in the local Universe. However, these high-z stellar haloes are
approximately three magnitudes brighter and exhibit bluer colours ((g -
r) ≲ 0.3 mag) than their local counterparts. The stellar
populations of z ˜ 1 stellar haloes are compatible with having
ages ≲1 Gyr. This implies that the stars in those haloes were
formed basically at 1 < z < 2. This result matches very well the
theoretical predictions that locate most of the formation of the stellar
haloes at those early epochs. A pure passive evolutionary scenario,
where the stellar populations of our high-z haloes simply fade to match
the stellar halo properties found in the local universe, is consistent
with our data.
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