Time Series of Solar Granulation Images. II. Evolution of Individual Granules

Hirzberger, J.; Bonet, J. A.; Vázquez, M.; Hanslmeier, A.
Bibliographical reference

The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 515, Issue 1, pp. 441-454.

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The properties of the evolution of solar granulation have been studied using an 80 minute time series of high spatial resolution white-light images obtained with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma. An automatic tracking algorithm has been developed to follow the evolution of individual granules, and a sample of 2643 granules has been analyzed. To check the reliability of this automatic procedure, we have manually tracked a sample of 481 solar granules and compared the results of both procedures. An exponential law gives a good fit to the distribution of granular lifetimes, T. Our estimated mean lifetime is about 6 minutes, which is at the lower limit of the ample range of values reported in the literature. We note a linear increase in the time-averaged granular sizes and intensities with the lifetime. T=12 minutes marks a sizeable change in the slopes of these linear trends. Regarding the location of granules with respect to the meso- and supergranular flow field, we find only a small excess of long-lived granules in the upflows. Fragmentation, merging, and emergence from (or dissolution into) the background are the birth and death mechanisms detected, resulting in nine granular families from the combination of these six possibilities. A comparative study of these families leads to the following conclusions: (1) fragmentation is the most frequent birth mechanism, while merging is the most frequent death mechanism; (2) spontaneous emergence from the background occurs very rarely, but dissolution into the background is much more frequent; and (3) different granular mean lifetimes are determined for each of these families; the granules that are born and die by fragmentation have the longest mean lifetime (9.23 minutes). From a comparison of the evolution of granules belonging to the most populated families, two critical values appear for the initial area in a granular evolution: 0.8 Mm^2 (d_g=1.39") and 1.3 Mm^2 (d_g=1.77"). These values mark limits characterizing the birth mechanism of a granule, and predict its evolution to some extent. The findings of the present work complement the earlier results presented in this series of papers and reinforce with new inputs, as far as the evolutionary aspects are concerned, the conclusion stated there that granules can be classified into two populations with different underlying physics. The boundary between these two classes could be established at the scale of d_g=1.4".