VPHGs for astronomy: what we learnt in OPTICON EU and manufacturing perspectives

Bianco, Andrea; Frangiamore, Michele; Zanutta, Alessio; Galli, Paola; Garzon, Francisco; Insausti, Maider
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Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series

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Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHGs) are optical element widely used in astronomical spectrographs as main disperser or cross-disperser in high resolution echelle instruments. In spite of the fact that other technologies are available on the market, the VPH technology remain a key one. In the EU funded OPTICON project, different activities were carried out in order to consolidate the design and production of VPHGs for astronomy. In particular: i) a production process based on innovative high performance holographic materials (by COVESTRO AG) has been defined; ii) high quality VPHGs >~ 170 mm in diameter were manufactured; iii) innovative configurations, such as multiorder and multiplexed gratings were proposed and the devices realized. Now, more than 10 devices based on this technology are mounted on observing facilities and several more are in development or planned. Here, we retrace the achievement of the VPH activities in the last years and we propose our roadmap for future improvements in the VPHG design and production for supporting the requests of the astronomical community starting from the ORP EU project.