Ballester, J. L.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Arregui, I.; Rial, S.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 763, Issue 1, article id. 16, 11 pp. (2013).
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Refereed citations
We investigate the temporal evolution of impulsively generated
perturbations in a potential coronal arcade with an embedded loop. For
the initial configuration we consider a coronal loop, represented by a
density enhancement, which is unbounded in the ignorable direction of
the arcade. The linearized time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic equations
have been numerically solved in field-aligned coordinates and the time
evolution of the initial perturbations has been studied in the
zero-β approximation. For propagation constrained to the plane of
the arcade, the considered initial perturbations do not excite trapped
modes of the system. This weakness of the model is overcome by the
inclusion of wave propagation in the ignorable direction. Perpendicular
propagation produces two main results. First, damping by wave leakage is
less efficient because the loop is able to act as a better wave trap of
vertical oscillations. Second, the consideration of an inhomogeneous
corona enables the resonant damping of vertical oscillations and the
energy transfer from the interior of the loop to the external coronal
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