
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • A proto brown dwarf candidate in Taurus
    Aims. We search for brown dwarfs at the Class 0/I evolutionary stage, or proto brown dwarfs. Methods: We present a multi wavelength study, ranging from optical at 0.8 μm to radio wavelengths at 6 cm, of a cool, very faint, and red multiple object, SSTB213 J041757, detected by Spitzer toward the Barnard 213 dark cloud, in Taurus. Results: The SED of
    Barrado, D. et al.

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  • A Radio Continuum Search for Twelve Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies
    The radio properties of low surface brightness (LSB) dwarf galaxies are still largely unknown. To help remedying this situation we observed twelve LSB dwarfs with the VLA at lambda = 3.6 cm and lambda = 20 cm. All galaxies are included in the UGC catalog and have previously claimed radio continuum detections at either 21 cm (Altschuler et al. 1984
    Hoeppe, G. et al.

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  • A Radio-Optical Study of HII galaxies
    A detailed insight into the star formation history of a sample of HII galaxies has been obtained, based on radio continuum and optical broad band and narrow band observations. HII galaxies are dwarf galaxies whose optical spectrum resembles that of HII regions, many of which are also known as Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. VLA observations at several
    Deeg, Hans-Jorg

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  • A remarkable feature in the giant extragalactic H II region NGC 5471
    The discovery of a very high velocity, low-intensity gas feature in the giant extragalactic H II region NGC 5471 is reported. A broad component in the emission lines of H-alpha + forbidden N II 6548, 6584 A is located within an area less than 1 arcsec in diameter at the position known as knot C. The broad component is characterized by its low
    Castaneda, Hector O. et al.

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  • A robust method for the analysis of integrated spectra from globular clusters using Lick indices
    We define a method for the analysis of the integrated spectra of extragalactic globular clusters that provides more reliable measures of the age, metallicity and α-element abundance ratio than have so far been achieved. The method involves the simultaneous fitting of up to 25 Lick indices in a χ2 fitting technique that maximizes the use of the
    Proctor, Robert N. et al.

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  • A search for delta Scuti stars in northern open clusters. I. CCD photometry of NGC 7245, NGC 7062, NGC 7226 and NGC 7654
    In an effort to test stellar structure and evolution models, analysis of oscillations in A and F stars in open clusters is carried out by the STACC network (Frandsen cite{stacc}). In this paper we describe our effort to locate a suitable open cluster in the northern hemisphere for a future multi-site campaign. We present BV Johnson and time series
    Viskum, M. et al.

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