
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Hints of the Star Formation History in a SMC Field
    We present here a part of the project aimed to study the SFH in different parts of the SMC. We observed 12 fields during a four year campaign (2001-2004) using the 100-inch Irénée du Pont telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, with positions ranging from ˜1° to ˜4° from the SMC center and located at different azimuths. In this poster we
    Noël, N. E. D. et al.

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  • How Hot are Hot Stars?: New Temperatures for mid-O types from FUSE data
    We analysed high resolution spectra of Galactic O-type stars from the far-UV to the optical. We combined spectra from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) in the range 905-1187Å, IUE or HST archive spectra (1150-3300Å), and optical blue and Hα spectra from the La Palma INT. The spectra were analysed with line-blanketed, hydrodynamic
    Bianchi, L. et al.

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  • HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049: four new long-period cataclysmic variables
    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of four relatively bright (V˜14.0-15.5) long-period cataclysmic variables (CVs) discovered in the Hamburg Quasar Survey: HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049. Their respective orbital periods, 243.69±0.49 min, 232.550±0.049 min, 212.7±0.2 min, and 225.90±0.23 min are
    Aungwerojwit, A. et al.

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  • HST/NICMOS Photometry of M31's Bulge and Metal-Rich Globular Clusters
    We have obtained JHK images of 5 bulge fields and 5 metal-rich globular clusters in M31 with the NICMOS camera NIC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope. The globulars we have observed are G1, G170, G174, G177 & G280. We calibrate our data using the NICMOS transformations determined by Stephens et al. (1999). For each cluster and field we have created a
    Stephens, A. W. et al.

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  • Hubble Space Telescope Imagery and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Fabry-Perot Two-dimensional Spectroscopy in Hα of the Ejected Nebula M1-67: Turbulent Status
    Bright circumstellar nebulae around massive stars are potentially useful to derive time-dependent mass-loss rates and hence constrain the evolution of the central stars. A key case in this context is the relatively young ejection-type nebula M1-67 around the runaway Population I Wolf-Rayet star WR 124 (=209 BAC), which exhibits a WN 8 spectrum
    Grosdidier, Yves et al.

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  • Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Optical Jets of PKS 0521-365, 3C 371, and PKS 2201+044
    Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations have led to the discovery of the optical counterpart of the radio jet of PKS 2201+044 and to a detailed analysis of the optical jets of PKS 0521-365 and 3C 371. At HST spatial resolution these jets are well resolved, displaying knotty morphologies. When compared with radio maps of appropriate resolution, a
    Scarpa, Riccardo et al.

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