
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • On the physical origin of the second solar spectrum of the Sc II line at 4247 Å
    Context: The peculiar three-peak structure of the linear polarization profile shown in the second solar spectrum by the Ba ii line at 4554 Å has been interpreted as the result of the different contributions coming from the barium isotopes with and without hyperfine structure. In the same spectrum, a triple peak polarization signal is also observed
    Belluzzi, L.

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  • On the Primordial Helium Abundance and the Δ Y/Δ O Ratio
    We present a review on the determination of the primordial helium abundance, Y_p, based on the study of hydrogen and helium recombination lines in extragalactic H II regions. We also discuss the observational determinations of the increase of helium to the increase of oxygen by mass Δ Y/Δ O , and compare them with predictions based on models of
    Peimbert, M. et al.

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  • On the relation of the Duvall phase function to the upper layers on the convection zone
    A method to obtain the Duvall phase function from the structure of a stellar model is presented. This can be a good tool for understanding the dependence of p-mode frequencies on the structure of the upper layers of the convection zone. A linear relation between phase function differences of two models and their equilibrium structure differences is
    Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. et al.

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  • On the RR Lyrae Stars in Globulars. IV. ω Centauri Optical UBVRI Photometry
    New accurate and homogeneous optical UBVRI photometry has been obtained for variable stars in the Galactic globular cluster ω Cen (NGC 5139). We secured 8202 CCD images covering a time interval of 24 years and a sky area of 84 × 48 arcmin. The current data were complemented with data available in the literature and provided new, homogeneous
    Braga, V. F. et al.

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  • On the Shape of the Light Profiles of Early Type Galaxies
    We have obtained the best fit to the light profiles of a luminosity- limited sample of elliptical and S0 galaxies with a power law r^1/n^, letting the exponent remain free rather than keeping it fixed at 1/n = 1/4 as in the well-known de Vaucouleurs formula. The introduction of a free parameter in the fitting formula (ranging from n = 0.5 for (r_e_
    Caon, N. et al.

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  • On the Shape of the Light Profiles of Early Type Galaxies - Part Two - the - Diagram
    We present new evidence against the universality of the de Vaucouleurs r^1/4^ law, considered to be the best empirical formula for fitting the light profiles of elliptical galaxies, through the analysis of the properties of the (D_n_/A_e_)-_e_ diagram for a volume-limited sample of early-type galaxies that are members of the Virgo and Fornax
    D'Onofrio, M. et al.

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