
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • QUIJOTE Scientific Results - XVII. Studying the anomalous microwave emission in the Andromeda Galaxy with QUIJOTE-MFI
    The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the Local Group galaxy that is most similar to the Milky Way (MW). The similarities between the two galaxies make M31 useful for studying integrated properties common to spiral galaxies. We use the data from the recent QUIJOTE-MFI Wide Survey, together with new raster observations focused on M31, to study its

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  • New Mass and Radius Constraints on the LHS 1140 Planets: LHS 1140 b Is either a Temperate Mini-Neptune or a Water World
    The two-planet transiting system LHS 1140 has been extensively observed since its discovery in 2017, notably with Spitzer, HST, TESS, and ESPRESSO, placing strong constraints on the parameters of the M4.5 host star and its small temperate exoplanets, LHS 1140 b and c. Here, we reanalyze the ESPRESSO observations of LHS 1140 with the novel line-by
    Cadieux, Charles et al.

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  • z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies. I. Overview (Corrigendum)
    Cox, P. et al.

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  • Multiwavelength analysis of Fermi-LAT blazars with high-significance periodicity: detection of a long-term rising emission in PG 1553+113
    Blazars display variable emission across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, with time-scales that can range from a few minutes to several years. Our recent work has shown that a sample of five blazars exhibit hints of periodicity with a global significance ${\gtrsim}2\, \sigma$ at γ-ray energies, in the range of 0.1 GeV < E < 800 GeV. In this
    Peñil, P. et al.

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  • Iluminación solar y el calendario aborigen en Cuevas del Barranco de La Angostura (Agüimes, Gran Canaria)
    We present the results of the monitoring of solar lighting inside cave n. 3 of the aboriginal archaeological site of Cuevas del Barranco de la Angostura (Agüimes, Gran Canaria). The cave has a cylindrical shape with a vaulted roof and topped by a skylight, similar to other caves where the existence of astronomical markers has been proposed. We find
    Juan Manuel Caballero Suárez et al.

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  • A 1.55 R<SUB>⊕</SUB> habitable-zone planet hosted by TOI-715, an M4 star near the ecliptic South Pole
    A new generation of observatories is enabling detailed study of exoplanetary atmospheres and the diversity of alien climates, allowing us to seek evidence for extraterrestrial biological and geological processes. Now is therefore the time to identify the most unique planets to be characterized with these instruments. In this context, we report on
    Dransfield, Georgina et al.

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