Galactic Astronomy, science with MIRADAS and EMIR

In force date
Call year
Garzón López
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
50.820,00 €

This project aims to complete and extend the objectives that were set 3 years ago and that could not be fully carried out, in part due to the global pandemic situation. On the one hand, it is proposed to complete the development of EMIR with the installation of a new detector and the execution for the first time of a major maintenance operation, which is the replacement of worn parts in the CSU. In parallel, the 
development of the MIRADAS instrument must be completed, currently in the middle of its laboratory verification phase, installing the instrument in the GTC and proceeding to the commissioning.

On the other hand, it is intended to continue the scientific exploitation of both instruments in the lines of work of Galactic Astrophysics in which the proponent group has a long history. Special mention should be made of the scientific use of the results of the Gaia mission, whose third release of data that is intended to be used in the lines of research that have already started with the second data release.

State of being in force
Type of funding