In force date
Call year
Carlos Manuel
Gutiérrez de La Cruz
Financial institution
Financing program
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
2.000.000 €
The NRT (New Robotic Telescope) is a project to design and build a 4-meter telescope within five years, which from the ORM will operate in a totally autonomous and robotic way. This form of operation will make it the largest robotic telescope in the world and, together with the exceptional conditions for astronomical observation of the ORM, in the best prepared to access important physical phenomena in the areas of gravitational waves, planets outside the solar system, supernovas and other diverse areas of what has been called temporal domain astronomy.
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IACTEC Large Telescopes: New Robotic Telescope - NRT
The NRT (New Robotic Telescope) is a project to design and build a 4-meter telescope within five years, which from the ORM will operate in a totally autonomous and robotic way. This form of operation will make it the largest robotic telescope in the world.
Carlos Manuel
Gutiérrez de La Cruz