Mapping dark sectors at the cross-roads of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics

In force date
Call year
Martín Camalich
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
88.625,00 €

The elusive nature of dark matter (DM), which constitutes roughly 80% of the universe's matter, is a major challenge in modern physics. Theoretical models suggest that dark matter could be composed of light (sub-GeV) particles that interact weakly with the Standard Model of particle physics. The DarkMaps proposal focuses on exploring the phenomenology of these light dark sectors, employing a comprehensive set of search strategies that span from laboratory experiments to observations of stellar evolution and galactic dynamics. Particular attention will be given to models that are motivated by particle physics considerations, such as the QCD axion, axion-like particles, and flavored dark sectors. Through this research, we aim to expand our understanding of the motivated light dark matter models and uncover potential signatures that could provide insight into the nature of the dark matter puzzle. DarkMaps will be conducted by a newly established Astroparticle Theory group within the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), taking advantage of the institution's local expertise in astrophysics and observations. This interdisciplinary approach will maximize the quality and impact of the proposal, as well as advance our understanding of certain astrophysical phenomena and cosmology. In particular, the proposal includes a line of research consisting of applying modern effective field theories techniques to new and promising large-scale structure observables. The outcomes of DarkMaps could also pave the way for future observation campaigns or facilities led by IAC astronomers.  

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