Supernova 1993J (SN 1993J) in M81, now classified as Type IIb, is a strongly emitting radio supernova whose size can be resolved and whose growth can be...
Rapid timing studies of black hole binaries in Optical and X-rays: correlated and non-linear variability
In a fast multi-wavelength timing study of black hole X-ray binaries (BHBs), we have discovered correlated optical and X-ray variability in the low/hard state...
Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities with sheared magnetic fields in partially ionised plasmas
Aims: In the present study we investigate the nature of the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability appearing at a tangential discontinuity in a partially ionised...
Rayleigh-Taylor instability in partially ionized prominence plasma
We study Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) at the coronal-prominence boundary by means of 2.5D numerical simulations in a single-fluid MHD approach including a...
Rayleigh-Taylor instability in prominences from numerical simulations including partial ionization effects
We study the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) at a prominence-corona transition region in a non-linear regime. Our aim is to understand how the presence of...
Recent Applications of Bayesian Methods to the Solar Corona
Solar coronal seismology is based on the remote diagnostics of physical conditions in the corona of the Sun by comparison between model predictions and...
Relation between photospheric magnetic field and chromospheric emission
Aims: We investigate the relationship between the photospheric magnetic field and the emission of the mid chromosphere of the Sun. Methods: We simultaneously...
Relationships between magnetic foot points and G-band bright structures
Aims:Magnetic elements are thought to be described by flux tube models, and are well reproduced by MHD simulations. However, these simulations are only...
Relative Alignment between the Magnetic Field and Molecular Gas Structure in the Vela C Giant Molecular Cloud Using Low- and High-density Tracers
We compare the magnetic field orientation for the young giant molecular cloud Vela C inferred from 500 μm polarization maps made with the BLASTPol balloon-borne...