The goal is to investigate dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the Universe, as well as the clustering properties of dark matter from large-scale...
Although thousands of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets have been discovered up to date, their formation and evolution models remains unknown. Hence, it is...
Build-up of galaxy clusters in formation through dust obscured star formation
The overall goal of the research project BURST is to understand 1) the built-up of galaxy clusters in the universe and 2) the importance of dust obscured star...
Building a Physical Understanding of Galaxy Evolution with Data Driven Astronomy
Within the next couple of years, we will witness the arrival of two new space observatories which will revolutionise the field of galaxy formation. The James...
Co-financing New primary focus corrector system with field rotation for the William Herschel Telescope
This aid is intended to complement the financing of action previously selected for financing by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to the project of...
comPact Objects Kinematics, stEllar populations and their Black hOLes in a multiWaveLength approach
Early Type Galaxies (ETGs) are a key component of the Universe, as they contain most of its stellar mass. They are known to follow many scaling relations...
COSJWST is an ambitious multidisciplinary project to study complex organic species (e.g., fullerene and graphene species and their derivatives, among others) in...
Constraints on Ultra-Light Dark Matter from Galactic Rotation Curves by Prof. Diego Blas Imperial College
ABSTRACT Bosonic ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) in the mass range m ~ $10^{-22} - 10^{-21} \rm eV$ has been invoked as a motivated candidate with new input for...