Financing logos: Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
The objective is to promote the consolidation of the professional careers of national and foreign researchers, so that they can develop their professional...
Resolución de la Dirección del Consorcio Público Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias por la que se adjudica un contrato para la contratación, en la modalidad...
Quantifying the impact of quasar feedback on galaxy evolution.
The broad scientific objective of this project is to take a major step forward in our understanding of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback by performing a...
The IAC, a member of the Spanish Supercomputing Network ( RES), is participating in the Quantum Spain project, which is part of the National Artificial...
Quantum Spain project, framed in the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (ENIA)
Royal Decree 936/2021, of October 26, of the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, regulates the direct granting of a subsidy to...
The purpose of these fellowship is to promote the incorporation of research staff, Spanish or foreigner, with an outstanding track record, in Spanish R&D...
The purpose of these fellowship is to promote the incorporation of research staff, Spanish or foreigner, with an outstanding track record, in Spanish R&D...
The purpose of these fellowship is to promote the incorporation of research staff, Spanish or foreigner, with an outstanding track record, in Spanish R&D...
The purpose of these fellowship is to promote the incorporation of research staff, Spanish or foreigner, with an outstanding track record, in Spanish R&D...