The evidence for the existence of dark energy is conclusive, but its nature remains one of the most puzzling mysteries in all of physics. Astronomical surveys...
From the blue cloud to the red sequence (and over the green valley): investigating the evolution of galaxies over cosmological timescales
In the local universe, galaxies fall into one of two populations: a star-forming blue cloud and a red sequence lacking star formation. At redshift z ~ 1.5...
From Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays to the Study of Gamma Rays
For the beginning of my presentation, I would like to briefly present the astronomy program at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius...
Galactic archeology of thick discs: excavating ESO 533-4 with VIMOS and ESO 243-49 with MUSE
The disc of galaxies is made of the superposition of a thin and a thick disc. Thick discs are seen in edge-on galaxies as excesses of light a few thin disc...
Galactic Dynamics to Explain Outer Disc Features in Spiral Galaxies
Milky Way and most spiral galaxies present some features in the outer part of its disk such as S-warping or U-warping, flaring, lopsidedness, truncation/non...
GALAPAGOS in C - computational study of galaxy morphologies
Modern imaging surveys provide a fundamental tool in order to study the morphologicalproperties of galaxy populations in the nearby and the distant Universe. In...
It has been thirty years since the seminal work of Alan Dressler on the density-morphology relation, which established environment as a driving mechanism for...
Galaxy environments at low- and high-z & Constraining the dust content of tadpoles
One of the important questions in extragalactic astronomy concerns the debate between nature and nurture scenarios. Are the observed galaxy local properties the...