Luis Fernando Rodríguez, IAC Instrumentation Engineer
- Teodoro Roca, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the ULL and researcher at the IAC
- Minia Manteiga, Universidad de A Coruña (UDC)
- Pere Lluis Pallé, IAC.
- Juan Antonio Belmonte, IAC.
- Ramón García López, IAC.
- Eduardo Martín Guerrero de Escalante, Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)
- Teodoro Muñoz, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- José Manuel Vilchez, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC).
- Participants at the conference "Promoting Astrophysics in Spain: 50 years of doctoral theses at the IAC".
- Artist impression of the Milky Way.
- Early days of the Milky Way - artist impression.
- Recreación artística del nacimiento de la Vía Láctea.
- Early days of the Milky Way - artist impression.
- Franciso Sánchez inaugurates the congress "Promoting Astrophysics in Spain: 50 years of doctoral theses at the IAC".
- Francisco Sánchez during his lecture "DREAMING STARS. This is how Astrophysics was born and consolidated in Spain".
- Franciso Sánchez shows one of the first installations at the Teide Observatory
- Franciso Sánchez during his lecture "DREAMING STARS. This is how Astrophysics was born and consolidated in Spain".
- Franciso Sánchez during his talk "SOÑANDO ESTRELLAS. Thus Astrophysics was born and consolidated in Spain"
- Rafael Rebolo during the inauguration of the congress "Impulsando la Astrofísica en España: 50 años de thesis doctorales en el IAC"